BlueSky Auto Finance specializes in obtaining auto financing for people with bad credit. We understand that times can be tough and life’s circumstances may have hurt your credit in the past. Although your credit may be damaged, we know that you need a loan and we want to help you get that loan financed. BlueSky Auto Finance has made it our business to know exactly what it takes to get auto financing for people with bad credit.
Straightforward and Easy
So what now? We’ve told you that BlueSky can help you, so what happens next? It is actually very easy and straightforward. Once you apply through our website, we take your information and instantly submit it to our network of direct lending institutions and participating auto dealers. We work with the best in the industry, ensuring that your information is passed along only to those lenders and dealers that are serious and want to help get you financed. Remember, we specialize in auto financing for people with bad credit-so you don’t have to worry!
Instant Approval
Now that both direct lenders and auto dealers have your application information, you may get instantly approved by one or more of our direct lenders. If this happens, and you are instantly approved by a direct lender, you will immediately receive an e-mail notification, complete with financing terms. In getting approved instantly on-line, you are then able to go to a dealership of your choice and shop like a cash buyer.
In the case that you are not instantly approved by a direct lender, don’t worry! An auto dealer may call you to discuss financing options. BlueSky works directly with our own network of auto dealers, all who have a specialized person in their office who specifically handles auto financing for people with bad credit. These dealers are used to working with the most difficult situations and may be able to help you too.
Navigating your way through the world of auto financing for people with bad credit can be intimidating. You are unsure where to go for financing, how the process works, and what to expect. For this reason, BlueSky holds your hand and walks you through the process of obtaining financing-step by step. We will always keep you updated on the status of your application and what you can expect throughout the entire application process. Our goal is to make applying and obtaining auto financing for people with bad credit as simple and easy as possible. We never leave your side until the whole process is completed and you have been given an answer.
Throughout the application process, BlueSky will not pressure you or push you to accept any loan being offered. You are not obligated to accept the terms of any car loan offered to you, whether it be from a direct lender or an auto dealer. You remain in the driver’s seat throughout the entire application process. Our job is to show you what type of financing is available to you, while you review and decide which option is best for your situation.
BlueSky thanks you for your business and for trusting us to help you obtain auto financing. We realize that you have many options and thank you for choosing BlueSky Auto Finance.